Computer Networking

Amazing Facts about computer networking or Internet

Published by
Rohit Nishad

Are you curious about the facts of computer networking in 2021? Then look no further.

Facts about computer networking or Internet

Computer networks are the groups of computers that are connected to exchange information or data with each other.

Imagine when there is no internet or network people have to manually transfer files from one place to another, that huge pain even this is not possible for now!

In this article, I share some of my favorite interesting facts about computer networking, also some facts taken from some popular forms.

I categorized a list of up-to-date myths below.
Click to jump to a section, or keep reading for our facts.

Top facts about computer networking

Here I mention some of my favorite facts about computer networking.

  • The average time people spend online is about 10 hours a day.
The average time people spend online is about 10 hours a day
  • To make the internet working there are 550, 000 miles of underwater cable.
To make the internet working there are 550000 miles of underwater cable
  • Most important (more likely to say main) cable stations are located in Tokyo, Singapore, New York, Cornwell, Southern Florida, and Hong Kong.
Most important cable stations
  • With IPv6 protocol replacing IPv4, every single person or device have 10^25 IP addresses in the entire world
  • A switch and a hub aren’t the same things.

Facts about internet

Here is a list of facts about the largest computer network – The Internet.

  • It is impossible to credit the invention of the internet to a single person.
  • In 2008, the Internet was controlled by 30 million servers. Now, this is nearly 75 million.
  • Overall Internet at present consists of 5 Billion computing devices (like computers, modems, phones, routers, switches, etc.) This number will increase to 22 billion by the year 2020.
Overall Internet at present consists of 5 Billion computing devices
  • About 3.2 billion people use the internet of which 1.7 billion people are Asians.
  • Approximately 204 million emails per minute are sent over the Internet. 70% of them are spam.

Shocking facts about computer networking.

Here are some shocking facts that I found online.

  • An email takes around 2 billion electrons to produce.
  • Microsoft has more servers than Google. Microsoft owns over one million servers while Google has 900, 000.
  • The Internet consists of 5 million Terabytes of data, according to Google.

Unknown facts about computer networking.

Here are some packed facts about computer networking that may be unknown to you.

  • The first message sent over the internet was “LOG”. “LOGIN” was the original intended message but the entire system crashed. This was done at MIT.
  • Interbrand invented the term “Wi-Fi” as a play on words of the term “Hi-Fi”.
  • The average speed of the internet is 5.6Mbps, South Korea is leading here with an average speed of 26.7Mbps.
  • The first webcam was created at the University Of Cambridge to monitor the Trojan coffee pot.
  • is the first website!

Did I miss out on any cool or important facts about computer networkingLet me know on Twitter.

Published by
Rohit Nishad

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